Aaron Dabbah – Evolution Favors the Paranormal

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: My first and only (so far) in-studio interview at my new place (my desk at home) was with Aaron Dabbah (also known as “<a href="https://esoterx.com/">EsoterX</a>.”) As I say somewhere in this program, his writing makes me feel like I am learning about something that I don’t want to. In this episode, we talked about folklore as an early warning system, skeptics vs. believers (who often have the same ego motivations for their opinions) and the “phantom clown” phenomenon considered as a chaotic trickster manifestation (such as the mudhead kachina pictured above.) Later in the program, we took an extended sidetrack into writers whom we admire. He lives in town, so we’ll be talking again soon.<br> The post title refers to Aaron’s contention that if we weren’t supposed to see paranormal things, then the ability should have been evolved out of our brains by now.<br>