Politics & Polls #16: Voter 'Fraud' and 'Rigged' Elections

Politics and Polls show

Summary: Donald Trump has made it clear that if he loses on Nov. 8, it is because the election was “rigged.” He has warned that there might be widespread voter fraud that will favor Democrats. But does this threat have any basis in reality? Or is the real threat new voter identification laws that have the potential to disenfranchise significant portions of the population? And why, after a century of working to expand the right to vote, have we seen the restrictions put into place? Professor Julian Zelizer discusses these questions with special guest Ari Berman, senior contributing writer for The Nation magazine. A fellow at The Nation Institute, Berman is author of “Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America,” a book published in August 2015 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.