WZ Daily 7.25.16: WWE Battleground Fallout, New RAW & SD Logos, Squash Matches Returning?, More

WrestleZone show

Summary: WrestleZone Daily 7.25.16 Host: Nick Hausman Co-Hosts: Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) & Jonathan Jansen Guest: Ray Flores Description: Today's show features 2CW & OVW's Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr) as the co-host during the first part of the show and Smackdown Rebellion's Jonathan Jansen as the co-host during the second half of the show. Some of the topics discussed include: - The new RAW & Smackdown Live logos - Ambrose retaining the WWE Championship at Battleground - Bayley as Sasha Banks mystery partner and the decision to send her back to NXT - WWE officials talking about doing more squash matches - Lita moving transitioning full time to the role of WWE pre-show panelist - The latest in what is holding up Paul Heyman and WWE's contract negotiations - Who Finn Balor's first main roster opponent could be - More... Midway through today's show ESPN 1000's Ray Flores joins to discuss: - Brock Lesnar's recent USADA violations - UFC not fining Lesnar - His highlights and lowlights from WWE Battleground - More You can follow Nick, Ben, Ray & JoJan on Twitter: Nick- @WZRebel Ben- @Bin_Hamin Ray- @RayFlores86 JoJan- @jjansen34 WrestleZone Daily is LIVE, Monday-Friday, Noon EST on WrestleZone.com. It is available, live, in web radio form via Mixlr.com/WZRadio. Please support WrestleZone Daily by subscribing to WrestleZone Radio on iTunes!