Bye Debbie! #DNCLeaks Fallout Continues

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is run out of the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia following more revelations from the Wikileaks email dump. Meanwhile, Clinton supporters want to focus less on the emails, and more on potential foreign influence in US elections.<br><br>And, The DCist’s Rachel Kurzius is back to talk talk about Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who was chosen to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate. His spotty record on reproductive rights could leave some women worried. <br><br>And finally, the Two Sams take a wider look at Wikileaks. The organization isn’t without fault, by any means, but the US government’s rough treatment of Wikileaks is awful. And it colors the reaction to DNCLeaks.