Trump Names Andrew Mellon’s Ghost To Cabinet

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: The Trump cabinet is starting to take the form of notorious presidential administration during the 1920’s that produced economic policies that led to the Great Depression. We’re in trouble. <br><br>Also, we chat again with investigative journalist Greg Palast. Before the election, Greg warned us that Republican operatives were trying to steal the vote. We caught up with him to discuss just how successful they were at doing that.<br><br>Plus, Trump’s Swamp Draining is going as well today as it was yesterday--terribly. We’ll tell you about the George W. Bush-era financial regulator that Trump has help him set up banking regulatory agencies. Fox guarding the henhouse, much?<br><br>And, we chat again with investigative journalist Greg Palast. Before the election, Greg warned us that Republican operatives were trying to steal the vote. We caught up with him to discuss just how successful they were at doing that.<br><br>Also, small government Republicans in Congress just approved of new rules that will expand FBI hacking powers. That story coming up later in the show, in a Classified Session.<br><br>Plus, Trump’s Swamp Draining is going as well today as it was yesterday--terribly. We’ll tell you about the George W. Bush-era financial regulator that Trump has help him set up banking regulatory agencies. Fox guarding the henhouse, much?