Writing for TV and Publication with Drew Chapman–Episode 86–December 16 2015

WRITER 2.0: Writing, publishing, and the space between show

Summary: On episode 86 of the WRITER 2.0 Podcast I spoke with Drew Chapman, a long-time TV and movie writer who recently started publishing novels with Simon and Schuster. In a wide-ranging discussion, we touched on:<br> <br> * How a TV show gets from a writer’s mind to the screen;<br> * His first novel, written in 4th grade; <br> * The Golden Age of TV—which we’re living in—and what’s going on with Amazon and Netflix;<br> * How TV is changing the way we write;<br> * Writing for the screen vs. writing novels;<br> * The process of writing his debut novel, <a style="color: #000000;" href="http://amzn.to/1P7GkDl" target="_blank">The Ascendant</a>; <br> * His second novel,<a style="color: #000000;" href="http://amzn.to/1P7DbU3" target="_blank"> The King of Fear</a>, and Simon and Schuster’s plan to release it digitally, in 3 parts; <br> * Getting your nose bloodied as a writer.<br> <br> Plus, on Today in Writing, Don McLean’s “American Pie.”<br> About Our Guest:<br> Drew Chapman was born and raised in New York City and graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in History. He’s been a staff writer for Disney Animation and has since written on projects for studios including Disney, Fox, Universal, Warner Brothers and Sony. He also wrote and directed the feature film, Stand Off.<br> He works extensively in television, where he has sold pilots to ABC, Fox, Amazon, ABC Family, and Sony. In 2014 he wrote and produced an eight part limited series for ABC called The Assets, and this year wrote on and co-executive produced the second season of the spy show Legends for TNT. <br> His first novel, The Ascendant, was released by Simon &amp; Schuster in 2014. The sequel, The King of Fear, will be published as an eBook series starting November 3, 2015, and will be released in paperback February 16, 2016.<br>