What is the State of the American Mind? A Conversation with Mark Bauerlein

Liberty Law Talk  show

Summary: Is the American Mind--the collective intelligence of what it means to live as independent citizens and individuals in America--increasingly being lost? That is the subject Mark Bauerlein discusses with Richard Reinsch in this Liberty Law Talk. Some have argued that we are Becoming Europe in fiscal and welfare state policies. Others have noted the rise of political correctness as a smothering force in our society. Many have long observed that our education system not only inadequately prepares young Americans in primary schools and colleges and universities for the competitive private sector, but that it is nearly oblivious to the American Founding…<a class="moretag" href="http://www.libertylawsite.org/2015/08/03/what-is-the-state-of-the-american-mind-a-conversation-with-mark-bauerlein/">Read More</a>