"The GOP "Debate": Promoting Hatred Against Muslims, Immigrants and Latinos"

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today’s episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker looks ahead to the Republican debate happening tonight in North Charleston, South Carolina. With Donald Trump still leading in polls among Republican voters, Becker analyzes how profound Islamophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric has been in the campaign so far. Joining him for this discussion are Robert McCaw, Government Affairs Manager at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Karina Garcia, an activist with the ANSWER Coalition.<br><br>In the second segment, we turn to Hyun Lee, fellow at the Korea Policy Institute, to assess the continuing implications of North Korea’s major announcement last week that they had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.<br><br> Finally, Becker is joined by James Jordan, National Co-Coordinator of the Alliance for Global Justice, to comment on the continuing negotiations between Colombia’s FARC rebels and the government. With a March 23 deadline for the implementation of a ceasefire looming, will there finally be an end to Latin America’s longest civil war?