Five years after Egypt's uprising: The Arab Spring's place in history.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's special episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker takes a look at the impact of the Arab Spring five years after the start of the Egyptian Revolution that began on January 25, 2011. <br><br>He is joined for a full hour round table discussion by Sukant Chandan, director of the Malcolm X Movement; Ghada Talhami, a professor at Lake Forrest College; and Ali al-Ahmed, director of the Institute of Gulf Affairs.<br><br>They discuss the overthrow of the the Tunisian and Egyptian governments, the 2011 NATO bombing of Libya, the five year Syrian civil war, and what ramifications the Arab Spring has had on Palestine. They also analyze what role the western powers had in the uprisings and what comes next for the middle east.