Washington Yawns as Turkey-backed terrorists use chemical weapons in Syria.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by Kurdish activist Kani Xulam to discuss the attack on Kurdish civilians in Aleppo last week by an armed terrorist group. Xulam talked about the group's history, Turkey's complicity, and the ongoing struggle of the Kurds in Syria to participate in the Geneva Peace Talks.<br><br>Donald Trump says let the torture begin, but can a member of the United States military refuse to waterboard someone if ordered to? Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford joins Becker to discuss the legality of U.S. tactics in its "war on terror." <br><br>Prisoners in Texas go on strike. Working for no salary doing arduous labor, sometimes in extreme heat, prisoners in Texas refused to take it any longer. The question raised is very clear: are American prisons routinely violating human rights? Erica Gammill, director of the Prison Justice League, comments on the reasons behind the prison strike.