Let My People Go: Ep 72

Unorthodox show

Summary: This week on Unorthodox, Jared and Ivanka go shul shopping in Washington, D.C.<br>Our Jewish guest is renowned biblical scholar <a href="http://www.avivahzornberg.com/">Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg</a>, whose latest <a href="http://yalebooks.com/book/9780300209624/moses">book</a> examines the life of Moses, one of the most enigmatic biblical figures (you can read an excerpt <a href="http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/books/218375/idolizing-moses">here</a>). She tells us about exploring the often overlooked aspects of Moses’s life—his speech impediment, for example–and why she believes Moses is one of the most compelling literary characters of all time. (This segment is sponsored by <a href="http://yalebooks.com/series/jewish-lives">Yale Jewish Lives</a>.)<br>Our Gentile of the Week is linguist John McWhorter, author of the forthcoming book, <a href="http://blpress.org/books/talking-back-talking-black/">Talking Back, Talking Black</a>. He tells us the latest linguistic trends he's noticed among his college students, why there’s no such thing as a safe space (or at least an unironic one), and why it’s OK to say ‘like’ a lot, as long as you’re not in a meeting.<br><a href="http://bit.ly/UnorthodoxPodcast">Sign up</a> for our weekly newsletter to get new episodes and more. Email us with comments, questions and kvetches at <a href="mailto:Unorthodox@tabletmag.com">Unorthodox@tabletmag.com</a>. We may share your note on air. <br>Thank you to all our listeners for your support and encouragement throughout 2016. We can’t wait to see what 2017 brings!<br><br>Music credits; <br>"Unorthodox Theme Song" by Golem<br>“Freedom Drops” by Ari De Niro<br>“A Partir Desse Dia” by Dark Sunn<br>“Go Down, Moses” performed by Louis Armstrong<br>“Words” by Boyzone<br>“Ballad of the Jewbadour” by Jim Knable<br><br><br><br><br><br>