Suzanne Giesemann’s medium readings provide evidence of love and guidance |334|

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br> Suzanne Giesemann traded a career in the Navy for a life as a psychic medium. <a href=""></a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> photo by: Skeptiko<br> Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome Suzanne Giesemann to Skeptiko. Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander turned — get ready for this — evidential medium, and apparently, she’s quite good at being a medium. Her work has been praised by medium researchers like former Skeptiko guest, Dr. Gary Schwartz, and other notable figures in this small but growing field of after-death communication research that we’ve talked so much about. <br> She’s also the author of 11 popular books,<a href=""> including Messages of Hope and Where Two Worlds Meet.</a> <a href=""> </a> She’s a great speaker, as you’ll hear in a minute and quite an inspirational person, in general. <br> Suzanne, it’s great to have you here. Thanks so much for joining me on Skeptiko.<br> Suzanne Giesemann: Thanks, Alex. It’s so good to be here.<br> Alex Tsakiris: Well, like I said, I’m really delighted and excited to have you here. Let’s start with the very basics. Your story is really quite remarkable. Tell folks, briefly, how you got started as a medium.<br> Suzanne Giesemann: Well, Alex, it’s really important that people understand that I was not even aware there was a greater reality during the 20 years that I served in the Navy. My last job in the Navy, I was aid to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the head of the whole military, and I think now if anybody knew that I was a working medium, they would have yanked my security clearance, but that was even kept hidden from me. I had no idea I could communicate with those on the other side, but unfortunately, it was a family tragedy that led me to that discovery, the death of my stepdaughter when struck by lightning ten years ago.<br> Alex Tsakiris: It’s really a tragic story, but it is obviously relevant to the larger story of what’s happened in your life. Tell folks, briefly, what happened.<br> Suzanne Giesemann: Well, she was a Marine, a Sergeant crossing the flight line on active duty and a bolt out of the blue struck her down. She was six months pregnant. And when I went to her viewing and saw her body in her Marine Corps dress blues laid out there in the coffin, that was a pivotal point in my life because I looked at that body and I said, “That’s not Susan.” I said it over and over like a mantra, as if I was in shock, but the shock was that the body could look so different when not animated by whatever it was that was her spark, and I now know, of course, that’s the spirit and the spirit survives death. I didn’t know that at the time, but being very mission-oriented, I made it my mission to find out if it was true what I had heard over the years, that there were certain people who could tune into the souls of those who had passed, so that was step one.<br> <a href="">Click here for forum discussion</a><br> <a href="">Click here for Suzanne Giesemann’s website</a><br> Call Skeptiko (858) 876-4505<br> <br> Read Excerpts:<br> Alex Tsakiris: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>Now, many people — and I’ve spoken to many mediums, psychics and people who have this ability to access these other realms — many, many of them say even though they have that transitional experience where aha, they realized something was going on.