
听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 谈 tán Verb, to talk about, to discuss 谈论,to talk about 谈到,to talk about the topic of… 未来 wèilái Noun, future 肯定 kěndìng Adv, definitely Synonym,一定 珠三角 zhū sānjiǎo Noun, a triangle area on the Zhu River in Guangdong 珠江, the Zhu River 转型 zhuǎnxíng Verb, to transform; noun, transformation 升级 shēngjí Verb, to upgrade 号角 hàojiǎo Noun, horn 吹响号角 号角响起 响起 xiǎngqǐ Verb, (sound) is on 音乐响起, the music is on 号角响起, the horn is blown 车间 chējiān Noun, production department 转移 zhuǎnyí Verb, to move, to transfer 从北京转移到上海 惠州 huìzhōu Noun, city name in Guangdong 搬 bān (zǒu) Verb, to move (to some place) 搬走,to move away 搬到……, to move to… 不甘心 gānxīn Verb phrase, cannot forget about it; cannot let it go; cannot give up 精明 jīngmíng Adj, shrewd; street smart 老板 lǎobǎn Noun, boss 员工 yuángōng Noun, staff; faculty 养老保险 yǎnglǎo bǎoxiǎn Noun, retirement insurance 市区 shìqū Noun,downtown 物价 wùjià Noun, (commodity) prices 房价,house price 令 lìng Verb, to cause 高物价令他望而却步 望而却步 wàng'érquèbù Verb, 成语, to shrink back at the sight 一年复一年 yī nián fù yī nián One year after another 日复一日,年复一年: Day by day, year after year 达到 dádào Verb, to reach (limit, goal) 范围 fànwéi Noun, range 区域 qūyù Noun, area 铁 tiě Noun, iron 栅栏 zhàlán Noun, fence 横亘 hénggèn Verb, to lie across 中央 zhōngyāng Noun, the center; the middle 中央电视台, CCTV 侧 cè Noun, side 左侧,右侧, Left side, right side 挡道 dǎng dào Verb phrase, to block the way 别墅 biéshù Noun, house that has more than one floor 光鲜 guāngxiān Adj, flashy 戒备森严 jièbèi sēnyán Verb phrase成语, heavily guarded 别墅区戒备森严。 低矮 dī ǎi Adj, (architectures) short 低矮的房子 白墙黑瓦 bái qiáng hēi wǎ Noun phrase, white wall and black roof 随意 suíyì Adv, at one’s will; freely 随意进出。 之间 zhī jiān Place noun, between (A and B) 新村和旧村之间, between the new village and the old one 令 lìng Noun, command 下令, to give a command 未经允许,禁止入内 wèi jīng yǔnxǔ, jìnzhǐ rùnèi Don’t enter without permissions This part explains vocabulary and grammar in the 7th,8th and 9th paragraphs of the story. Repetitive responses to questions based on the story are also included in this part.