
听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 山东 Shāndōng Place name, Shandong Province 青岛 Qīngdǎo Place name, Qingdao city 无 wú Verb, not to have, eaquals to 没有 无糖 táng, sugar-free 腿 tuǐ Noun, leg 少年 shàonián Noun, a 10 to 16-year-old 迎 yíng Verb, to welcome Same with 迎接 jiē 新 xīn Adj, new 学期 xuéqī Noun, semester 经过 Jīngguò Prep, after (a period of time) 经过一天的努力 经过一个暑假的生活 近 jìn Verb, “ 近 +a period of time” means “almost + a period of time” 近两年, almost two years 近一天,almost a day 暑假 shǔjià Noun, summer break 寒假,winter break 假期,vocation 久违 jiǔwéi Verb, long time no see. It can also be used as an adj “久违了!”is the same with “好久不见!” 久违的朋友, friends who I haven’t seen for a while 伙伴 huǒbàn Noun, friends, peers, mates 玩伴,plamate 升 shēng Verb, to raise(the flag) 升旗 国旗 guóqí Noun, national flag 五星红旗 奏 zòu Verb, to play(the national anthem) 奏国歌 国歌 guógē Noun, national anthem 步入 bù rù Verb, to enter into; to start 步入大学, to start college 显得 xiǎndé Verb, to appear 兴奋 xīngfèn Adj, excited; exciting 显得很兴奋 期间 qíjiān Noun, period;duration 暑假期间, during the summer break 工作期间, during (my) work 遭遇 zāoyù Verb, to get into a terrible accident/experience; Noun, some type of miserable experience 他一年级的时候遭遇了车祸。 他小时候的遭遇让他再也不敢坐车了。 车祸 chēhuò Noun, car accident 一场车祸 高位截肢 gāowèi jiézhī Noun, high-level amputation 治疗 zhìliáo Verb, to treat (some illness) ; Noun, medical treament 医生是怎么治疗 的? 医生的治疗很有效。 悉心 xīxīn Adj, the most careful 悉心照顾,to give the most care to… 呵护 hēhù Verb, to take care of 呵护好孩子,to take good care of kids 刻苦 kèkǔ Adj, hardworking adv, (study/work) hard 刻苦学习, study hard 这个孩子很刻苦,this kid works hard 努力 nǔlì Adj, hardworking; adv, (study/work) hard 努力学习, study hard 这个孩子很努力,this kid works hard 落下 làxià To left something behind; to miss (work) 别落下手机, don’t forget your cellphone 学习别落下, don’t miss any school work 课(程) kèchéng Noun, course 入学 rùxué Verb, to start school 凭着 píngzhe by reason of… 凭着对中文的热 爱,她每天学习 两个小时的中 文。 渴望 kěwàng Noun, eagerness; verb, be eager to do… 木块 mù kuài Wood block 勇敢 yǒnggǎn Adj, brave 撑 chēng Verb, to support; to prop up 用手撑着,慢慢 走。Walking with the support of hands. 坚强(不 屈), jiānqiáng (bùqū) Adj, strong spirit that cannot be bent 他是一个坚强不 屈的人。He is a strong man. 不向命运低头, bù xiàng mìngyùn dītóu Verb, not to give in to one’s fate 积极 jījí Adv, active 笑对人生 xiào duì rénshēng Verb phrase, to have a positive attitude towards life; be optimistic 态度 tàidù Noun, attitude 感染 gǎnrǎn Verb, to bring positive influence to... 他的坚强感染了 他的朋友。His strength has brought positive influence to his friends. 赢得 yíngdé Verb, to earn; to gain 敬佩 jìngpèi Verb, to admire; noun, admiration 赞誉 zànyù Noun, compliment 期末 qīmò Noun, the end of semester 主要 zhǔyào Adj, main 以上 yǐshàng, Above (a number) 今天来了 100 个 人以上。 他的英文成绩在 95 分以上。 夺得 duó dé Verb, to win ( a certain place ) in test, completion, game 这次他夺得了第一名。 里约 lǐ yuē Place name, Rio (Brazil) 奥运会 àoyùnhuì Noun, Olympic games 顽强拼搏 wánqiáng pīnbó Verb phrase, tenaciously strive to succeed 竞技 jìngjì Verb, to compete in sports 精神 jīngshén Noun, spirit; attribute 开启 kāiqǐ Verb, to make… start 梦想 mèngxiǎng Noun, dream (about one’s life) 期望 qīwàng Noun, expectation 选学 xuǎn xué Verb, to register selective course 选学中文课 项 xiàng Measure word for skills, sports, task, etc. 一项技能 一项运动, 一项任务 届 jiè Measure word for sports contest 第 26 届奥运会 残奥会 cá(continued)