2.2.7B 故事解读《上海“70后”城管101次无偿献血救人》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 上海 Shànghǎi Chinese metropolitan city, Shanghai 70后 70 hòu Noun phrase, people who were born during 1970-1979 80后,90后,00后,10后 城管 chéngguǎn Noun, Chinese urban management officer 次 cì Noun, time(s) 一次,once 两次, twice 三次, three times 无偿 wúcháng Adv, voluntarily 献血 xiànxiě Verb phrase, to donate blood 救 jiù Verb, to save one’s life “救命(mìng)!”means “Help!” 眭 Suī Noun, surname (uncommonly seen) 区 qū Noun, district 土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng Adj, to be born and grow up in the local community 个头 gètóu Noun, a person’s height synonym or 个子 黝黑 yǒuhēi Adj, tanned skin color (usually caused by outdoor physical work) 话语 huàyǔ Noun, utterance 话语不多, quiet 留着 liúzhe Verb phrase, 留着 +name of hair style 留着长发/短发/平头 小平头 xiǎo píngtóu Noun phrase, flat(hair style) or平头 坚持 jiānchí Verb, to persist; to keep doing without quitting 再坚持一下! Be persistent, you will finish it soon. 来 lái Particle word, a period of time word+来 : in the past a period of time 10年来,in the past ten years 捐献 juānxiàn Verb, to donate 这个公司给学校捐献了10万元钱。This company donated 100,000 dollars to the school. 全血 quánxiě Noun, whole blood 累计 lěijì Verb, to add up 毫升 Háoshēng Noun, milliliter 升,liter 血小板 xuèxiǎobǎn Noun,Blood platelet 人份 rénfèn Noun, serving 5人份,servings for 5 people 熟悉 shúxī Adj, familiar 我和他不熟悉。I am not familiar with him. 传为佳话 chuán wèi jiāhuà chengyu,to become a favorite tale 制服 zhìfú Noun, uniform 穿梭 chuānsuō Verb, to walk through 穿梭在城市里, to walk through the city 街头 jiētóu Noun, street 队员 duìyuán Noun, team player 脱下 tuō xià Verb phrase, to take off (clothing items) 瘦小 shòuxiǎo Adj, skinny and small (use to describe a figure) 微不足道 wēibùzúdào 成语,too tiny/ordinary to be noticed/mentioned 普普通通 pǔ pǔtōng tōng Adj, orginal form is 普通,ordinary 啥 shá Pronoun, (colloquial form) what? Origins from dialect word in northeast part of China 做什么?=干啥? 憨厚 hānhòu Adj, simple and honest New words, sayings and grammatical structures in the story are being taught in this episode. A lot of repetitions are used so that our learners can get master this story in no time!