2.2.18B 故事解读《盘古开天地》

听故事学中文 Learning Chinese through Stories show

Summary: 宇宙 yǔzhòu noun, universe 混沌 hùndùn adj, chaotic 巨人 jùrén noun, giant 忽然 hūrán adv, suddenly or 突然 túrán 周围 zhōuwéi noun, surroundings 漆黑 qīhēi adj, dark as hell 抡 lūn verb,to swing(a spade, an ax) 斧头 fǔtou noun, ax 猛 měng adv, fierecely 劈 pī verb, to split with an ax 渐渐 jiànjiàn adv, gradually or 慢慢,缓缓,逐渐 轻 qīng adj, light weighted 清 qīng adj, clear 上升 shàngshēng verb, to rise 下沉 xiàchén verb, to sink 顶 dǐng verb, to hold out against 踩 cǎi verb, to step on 丈 zhàng noun, a unit of length, =3 1/3 metres 变化 biànhuà noun, change 呼 hū verb, to breathe 气息 qìxī noun, breath 四季 sìjì noun phrase, four seasons 飘动 piāodòng verb phrase, to float; to flutter 隆隆 lónglóng noun, the sound of thunder 雷 léi noun, thunder 四肢 sìzhī noun, limbs 肌肤 jīfū noun, skin 辽阔 liáokuò adj, vast 奔流不息 bēnliúbùxī chengyu, verb, to keep running and never stops 汗毛 hànmáo noun, fine hair on the human body 茂盛 màoshèng adj, lush 汗水 hànshuǐ noun, sweat 滋润 zīrùn verb, to nourish; to moisturize 雨露 yǔlù noun, rain and dew 祖宗 zǔzōng noun, ancestor 创造 chuàngzào verb, to create