Unbelievable? 15 Nov 2008 Islam and the Trinity

Unbelievable show

Summary: <br> <p>Christian apologist James White believes that the God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is present in the pages of the Bible.  Muslim Abdullah Al Andalusi believes that a Trinitarian God is a contradiction in terms.  They debate whether it makes sense and whether the Bible supports it.</p><br> <p>For James White see <a href="http://www.aomin.org/">www.aomin.org</a></p><br> <p>For Abdullah see <a href="http://www.youtube.com/mujtahid2006">www.youtube.com/mujtahid2006</a></p><br> <p>To hear more discussions between Christians and non-Christians go to <a href="http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable">www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable</a>.<br> <br>Join the discussion on the Premier Community <a href="http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable">www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable</a>.</p>