Unbelievable? 22 Nov 2008 Pagan and Christian dialogue

Unbelievable show

Summary: <br> <p>What do Pagans believe?  We find out from Mike Stygal of the Pagan Federation in London. What approach should Christian take when it come to sharing faith and understanding the way pagans see the world?  Nick Stead and Steve Hollinghusrst regularly engage with Pagans at New Age Fairs.</p><br> <p>For Nick Stead and the London City Mission see <a href="http://www.lcm.org.uk/">www.lcm.org.uk</a></p><br> <p>For the Pagan Federation London see <a href="http://www.pflondon.org/">www.pflondon.org</a></p><br> <p>For the Church Army see <a href="http://www.churcharmy.org.uk/">www.churcharmy.org.uk</a></p><br> <p> </p><br> <p>To hear more discussions between Christians and non-Christians go to <a href="http://www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable">www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable</a>.<br> <br>Join the discussion on the Premier Community <a href="http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable">www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable</a>.</p>