Podcast special - Gay Marriage Debate - David Robertson vs Adrian Trett - Unbelievable? 17 May 2012

Unbelievable show

Summary: <br> <p>This podcast only recording is a debate held at Gunnersbury Baptist Church on the question "Should marriage be redefined to include same-sex unions?".</p><br> <p>For redefining marriage, Adrian Trett of the Liberal Democrat LGBT group. Against redefining marriage, Revd David Robertson of the Solas Centre For Public Christianity.</p><br> <p>To see the video of this debate <a href="http://www.gunnersburybaptistchurch.org/resources/viewvideo.php?event=43"><span>http://</span><span></span><span>www.gunnersburybaptistchurch.or</span><span></span><span>g/resources/</span><span></span>viewvideo.php?event=43</a><br> <br></p><br> <p>For the next live debate at Gunnersbury Baptist Church on "<strong>Do we live on a young or old earth?"</strong> on Mon 28 May featuring Hugh Ross, Ken Samples, Andy McIntosh &amp; Stephen Lloyd</p><br> <p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gunnersburybaptistchurch.org%2Fnews%2Fviewnews.php%3Fid%3D64&amp;h=6AQEGBKDh">http://www.gunnersburybaptistchurch.org/news/viewnews.php?id=64</a> <br> <br></p>