Is pornography harmful to those who view it? Unbelievable?

Unbelievable show

Summary: <br> <p>In the first of two episodes, we ask the question "is pornography harmful?" This week focusses on the effect upon users of pornography.</p><br> <p>Peter Watts is from Living Waters, a Christian ministry helping those affected by sexual issues. He argues that pornography is a form of false intimacy which negatively rewires the brain and damages relationships.</p><br> <p>Steve Miller is an atheist with a background in psychology.  He says that pornography in the context of consenting adults is not harmful and the church is too hung up on issues of sexuality.</p><br> <p>TC Ryan, author of "Ashamed No More" joins the conversation.  A former pastor, his secret addiction to porn brought an end to his ministry.</p><br> <p>Premier's Safetynet campaign <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Struggling with porn? Living Waters resources <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>For TC Ryan "Ashamed No More"<a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Watch the video promo for Unbelievable? the Conference 2012 DVD <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Info on The Atheist Prayer Experiment <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>For more Christian/non-Christian debate visit <u><a href=""></a></u> or get the MP3 podcast <u><a href=""></a></u> or <u><a href="">Via Itunes </a></u></p><br> <p>You may also enjoy:</p><br> <p><a href="">Unbelievable? 22 May 2010 - Sex outside Marriage debate - "Is sex outside marriage wrong?"</a><span><u>Christian Faith Forster vs. Atheist Susan Meyer</u></span></p><br> <p><span><a href="">Unbelievable? 20 Feb 2010 - "Is Christianity good for us?" Michael Shermer vs. David Robertson</a><span> </span></span></p><br> <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Join the conversation: <a href=""></a> and via <a href="">Facebook </a>and <a href="">Twitter</a></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>