Young, restless… no longer reformed? Austin Fischer & James White - Unbelievable?

Unbelievable show

Summary: <p>Austin Fischer embraced 'New Calvinism' as a teenager, after being influenced by its popular proponents. But he recently abandoned it when he found he was unable to worship God as truly just, good and loving.</p><br> <p>Calvinist theologian James White (old, rested and still reformed) challenges Austin about his journey and his theology.</p><br> <p>This programme is brought to you in partnership with <a href=""></a></p> <br> <p>For Austin Fischer <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>For James White <a href=""></a><br> </p><p>For more faith debates visit <a href=""></a></p><br> <p>Join the conversation: <a href="">Facebook</a> and <a href="">Twitter</a></p><br> <p>Get the MP3 podcast of Unbelievable? <a href=""></a> or Via <a href="">Itunes</a></p><br> <p>You may also enjoy:</p><br> <p><a href="">Unbelievable? 4th January 2014 - Calvinism vs Molinism - William Lane Craig vs Paul Helm</a></p><br> <p><a href="">Unbelievable? 09 Aug 2009 - Calvinism vs Arminianism - James White vs Roger Forster</a></p>