THR 9/3/16: ALT RIGHT, Breitbart and the Republican Party

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Mike Gallagher turns to Donald Trump's Chief Policy Advisor Sam Clovis to discuss immigration and Trump's visit to Mexico. Hugh Hewitt speaks with CNN's Jake Tapper about the continuing problems with Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Hewitt continues this line of conversation about the controversial dealings of the Clinton Foundation with Glenn Thrush of Politico. Michael Medved explains that Hillary has no right to label Trump a "white extremist." Larry Elder tackles the 49ers' Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the nation anthem. Medved addresses France's recent move to force Muslim women to remove their burkinis at the beach. Jonah Goldberg and Hewitt discuss the plague of ALT RIGHT on the conservative, Republican movement.