THR 10/8/16: Voters Find Hillary's VP Also Unlikeable

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: The Washington Examiner's Byron York joined Hugh Hewitt on his show to talk about Tim Kaine's primary goal to interrupt Gov. Mike Pence at the Vice Presidential debate. Dennis Prager says that Kaine was like a wind-up toy. How will the GOP heal its divisions? Hewitt spoke with National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg. Prager discusses why America needs to be the world's policeman with former Prime Minister of Denmark Anders Rasmussen. Medved reports that too many guys are having more fun playing videos games and living in mom's basement than getting a job. Dodgers' announcer Vin Scully recently signed off for the last time. Hewitt sat down with Scully a few years ago. In the wake of former President of Israel Shimon Pares' death, Medved invited on his show former ambassador to Israel Michael Oren.