THR 11/12/16: The Deplorables Win

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hillary Clinton was supposed to crush The Donald in a landslide win. What happened? Hugh Hewitt talks with Chuck Todd of Meet the Press. Former Senator John DeMint speaks with Mike Gallagher about the historic win and what Trump should prioritize first as president. The Never Trumpers were wrong—National Review’s Jonah Goldberg was one of them. He admits that he’s eating a little crow on the Hugh Hewitt Show. You saw it with your own eyes on Election Day—mainstream media talking heads with downcast faces and complete meltdowns. Michael Medved plays audio of one such looney moment on CNN. The election is over, but Hillary Clinton is still being investigated by the FBI. Larry Elder speaks with J. Christian Adams, a former employee of the Dept. of Justice under George W. Bush. With the Republicans’ giant win on Tuesday, what can the party do to solidify its majorities for the years to come? George Will talks with Michael Medved.