THR 12/17/16: Hillary Blames Fake News for Her Loss ... What's Next?

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Mike Gallagher talks with former CIA agent Gary Berntsen about the Democrats’ claims that the Russians interfered with the presidential election. Dennis Prager looks at the left’s hysteria over fake news. Hugh Hewitt talks interviews Trump’s soon to be Chief of Staff Reince Priebus about the president-elect’s top priorities once taking office. Hewitt also chats with columnist Bret Stephens about Russia’s role in destabilizing the world and thwarting U.S. interests. Michael Medved examines video game addiction in the U.S. Mike Gallagher learns more about Michael Medved’s latest book on divine providence in the U.S. Larry Elder wraps up the program with another look at fake news and a Hillary supporter.