THR 1/14/17: Meryl Streep's Anti-Trump Tirade

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Michael Medved starts off the show looking at the chaos liberals injected into the Jeff Sessions’ hearing. Hugh Hewitt speaks with Senators Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) about how the rule change with the filibuster carried out by Harry Reid will affect the confirmation of Trump’s nominees. Michael Medved and Dennis Prager slam Meryl Streep’s emotional, ill-informed screed against Donald Trump at the Golden Globes. Michael Medved reports on Obama’s cheesy farewell Internet video. Medved interviews Abigail Pest about her article, “Why I Married Myself.” Dennis Prager closes out the show describing Meryl Streep’s hypocrisy related to the four Chicago youths who tortured a disabled man.