1/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind show

Summary: The purpose of this election is to nominate a conservative who will hold fast against the bureaucracy, the courts and the media. The Democrats and President Obama have been destroying the nation and our country will be lost if a principled conservative is not elected. This is why Americans are sick and tired of other conservatives and candidates focusing on stupid issues like the birther issue and Ted Cruz not disclosing a loan. Donald Trump needs to cut out using the Saul Alinsky tactics of the left and focus on substantive issues. Trump is not politically invincible and should leave the attacks on Cruz to Mitch McConnell and the New York Times. In addition, Marco Rubio used to oppose illegal immigration and now he has completely disassembled on this. What America needs to do is secure its borders and then find those who are overstaying their visas. Finally, Mark "Oz" Geist calls in to talk about his experience during the terror attack in Benghazi and his movie 13 hours.