Summary: This week´s AM/FM is the first hour of my 5h set that I played at Concrete in Paris on Sunday August 9th. It was a daytime party and I started to play at 3 pm. I finished just shortly after 8 pm, before Dustin Zahn took over with an amazing live set. Over the past 5 years the Techno scene in Paris has developed remarkably. Concrete and the Weather Festival play an essential role in this development and the scene is very vibrant and open-minded. People are having a blast and are really open to whatever you play, as long as you play from your heart and have loads of fun while doing so. It was my third time playing on this great boat on the Seine, and I always enjoy the special atmosphere of this venue. Due to the fact that the DJ booth is right at the end of the dance floor, you are very close to everyone, which creates a certain intimacy between you and the crowd. Although I have to say that my mixing might have been off a little here and there, I chose to bring you this full 5h set, because it was just so much fun. The crowd and I really went on a journey together and I ended up playing quite a few old tracks I haven't played for a while. Touring in summer and especially in August tends to be physically pretty demanding, with all the festivals and odd club days and nights. Only in the first 2 weeks of August I have been playing about 12 gigs and Paris was gig number 7 in that series. It definitely does get exhausting at some point, but that is also the point where you enter this mode in which you start to think less and just do. And as far as I believe, this is always helpful, especially when it comes to music. Like I said before, it may not be the most perfectly mixed set I have ever played, but it was a lot of fun and quite a unique ride, so that I am more than happy to share this one with you. Hope you enjoy listening to it!