Summary: This week´s AM/FM is the third and last hour of my set that I played on September 10th for Richie Hawtin's Enter night at Space on Ibiza. Here is a little video interview from Enter, shot just before the show: But please also keep reading to find out more... To be honest, initially this was not my first choice of sets that I wanted to deliver to you, but for various reasons it happened to be the one. If you follow the program, you noticed that I already published a set of mine recorded on Ibiza this summer and there are many more places I get to play at besides Ibiza these days, for example in beautiful Italy. Beginning of September I played the closing of Tini Soundgarden in Cecina, which was a hell of a fun night and of course, when running a weekly podcast/radio show like AMFM, we record every set that I play. But lately we had some trouble with the recorder and sometimes ended up with no recording of the set. This was especially frustrating at Tini Soundgarden, as I really wanted to publish this one. The same happened in El Paso, the following Sunday for the Sun City Music Festival, again no recording of this night sadly. Well, when the universe tells you to let go of something, you should, so I moved on and fixed (hopefully for the future) the recorder problem. For me it became clear that the next set on my list was the gig at Enter on Ibiza, which didn´t turn out to be as easy as I expected really. After a short day off in my hometown, after returning from Texas earlier (thanks to another Lufthansa strike, that took much longer than expected), I had to fly from Frankfurt via Palma de Mallorca to Ibiza on the 10th, the day of the gig. Landing in Palma I noticed that my first connection flight with beautiful Iberia Airlines first got delayed, then cancelled. The same happened to the next one, letting me stranded at the Palma airport for good 7 hours. Anyone who knows the airport in Palma knows how much fun that is. To make a long story short, after all it took me 11 hours to travel from Frankfurt to Ibiza, arriving on the island basically just on time for my gig. I played the opening in the Main Room, starting at midnight when the doors opened till shortly past 3 o`clock, when I handed over to Richie. You can imagine it was quite hard to shake off the stress of that travel day, so I must say I did have moments during the gig where I didn't really feel what I was doing. But you gotta be professional and don't allow those things to interfere with your set. Even though I wasn't too happy about my performance, I ended up having a super fun night, hanging out with Ali Dubfire and more friends from the US who came and visited. So here is the Ibiza Enter set with all its ups and downs, and now that you actually have all the three parts, you can put them altogether in a playlist and listen to the whole set with seamless transitions. Enjoy!