Summary: This week´s AM/FM is the third and last hour of my set that I played for Tillsammans at Slakthuset in Stockholm on October the 2nd. Coming kind of directly from our grand HYTE season closing fiesta on Ibiza, I realised that I had not been back to Sweden in 5 years. 5 Years, that is a long time and not coming to a country for that long, I wondered if people would actually still remember me or my music. But it seemed like it was more than worth the wait. I almost forgot what a beautiful City Stockholm is. The Location Slakthuset is an old Slaughterhouse, and for me, lover of a plant based diet, it was a great feeling to put this place to a much better and healthier use than what it once was intended to. I could not ask for more, the crowd was so much fun, directing and following me on an amazing 3h journey. The set was a constant give and take between me and everyone else in the room, something I wanted to pass on to you on this AM/FM show. Big thanks also to the promoters, it was so much fun with all of you, that it was really hard to leave Stockholm again. I hope to be back soon! And now that you actually have all the three parts, you could put them altogether in a playlist and listen to the whole set with seamless transitions.