Summary: This week´s AM/FM show is the first hour of my set that I played for Time Warp in Brooklyn on November 21st 2015. Even though I am in New York regularly since more or less 5 years now (you can tell I love it here), it was my first appearance for the US edition of Time Warp. One of the reasons I love New York so much is that special relationship that I have with the people here (don't wanna use the word "crowd" as it sounds so anonymous). Here in New York I can really rely on some total music lovers who regularly come out to hear me play and that in many different settings. May it be the Output Club, Cielo, Pacha or one-off events in warehouses or on islands. I didn't know what to expect really, also because I came from Montreal the night before, where I played an all-nighter at Stereo, so a lack of sleep was part of the package. But my NY friends didn't let me down again. The energy push I received right from the beginning of my set, due to the overwhelming presence of nice and smiling friendly people, instantly got me into full swing and those 2,5 h set time went by like a flash. Sure I still pack in some of the older tracks that I have been pounding for a while now, but I managed to sneak some new stuff in there and everyone seemed to like it. I did plan on playing a full forward 2,5 h techno slammer, but I really like to go up and down as well, and also add more and more funk, swing and sexyness. Well, all I can say is that I had an unbelievably fun night and I thank you all for being on this journey together. Hope you enjoy the set and as always,, you will be the judge if things worked out or not… Or maybe don´t judge for a while and just sit back, relax and listen ;) Next week´s show will contain the rest of the set…. (Btw. I am writing this on my way back to NYC for Output open to close tonight. So if you came out for this, you are well invited to also leave a comment here of how this was … it is always a challenge, but an amazing one.)