Summary: And we are back in Italy! This week´s AM/FM is the recording of the second and last hour of a two hours set that I played at the First Festival in Genova´s 105 Stadium. So as you can see, not really a club gig, but in front of once again an amazing crowd that really knows the music. One of the reasons (besides it being another amazing night in Italy, Grazie Mille ;)) I chose this session for AM/FM is, that on this weekend I felt for the first time that I started to use my new @playdifferently mixer at a new level. Been playing with the mixer for a while now, but for this weekend I changed my setup in a way that I was able to use all channels (8 in total). I was not sure if this would be too much to handle, but it turned out easier than I thought and opened up a whole new world of possibilities. You always have to take time to get used to a new piece of equipment. I kind of see my setup as an instrument, that I have been fine-tuning over the years and adding a new mixer of course requires some new learning time. In Genova it felt like it was all coming together nicely for the first time really. It added another level of excitement for me. Not sure if you can hear it on the recording, but I had so much fun. Well again, you will be the judge. We are slowly entering the summer season now and with my new setup I feel more ready than ever before. New and exciting times with an amazing new central piece of equipment, that will hopefully make all our musical journeys together even more exciting. Now that you have both parts you could put them together in a playlist and listen to the whole set with seamless transitions. Hope you enjoy!