NW 051: Tons of Pokémon, Real NX Info? | YouTube’s PREO Problem

Nintendo Week show

Summary: Everybody's sick this week as we're joined by Braxton Burks, the creator of the popular Pokémon Reorchestrated fan project, to discuss a huge amount of Pokémon news, including the Virtual Console rereleases, Pokémon GO, and the announcement of Gen VII. Plus we address an extremely juicy new set of NX rumors that detail all the goals of the system, and it sounds crazy enough to work like magic. After the break we introduce a new segment called Places and People, where we sit down to chat with various people from around the Nintendosphere. This week's break music is Bulby's awesome 8-bit remix of Pokémon XY's Bicycle Theme. Our outro music is Pokémon Reorchestrated’s fantastic rendition of the Champion Battle music from Pokémon GSC.