Inducing vomiting in dogs and cats: Picking the right emetic agent | VetGirl Veterinary CE Podcasts

VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Podcasts show

Summary: Decontamination (which includes emesis induction, gastric lavage, and/or administration of activated charcoal) is an important step in the treatment of the poisoned veterinary patient. Before decontaminating, the pros and cons should be considered, including: the type of toxin itself, the time since ingestion, the stability of the patient, and choosing the appropriate emetic agent. When choosing to induce emesis in dogs and cats, the appropriate emetiic agent should be used (e.g., dogs: peroxide or apomorphine; cats: xylazine). In this VetGirl podcast, we answer all of these important questions to help best treat the poisoned patient.