003: Habits and Routines of a 7 Figure Earner by Ray Higdon on MLM Nation

MLM NATION: Network Marketing Training | Prospecting | Lead Generation | Leadership | Duplication | Motivation show

Summary: http://mlmnation.net/003 - <br> Who is Ray Higdon?<br> <br> Ray Higdon is a 2 time best selling author. Thanks to network marketing Ray went from foreclosure to being the #1 income earner in his company in a few short months.<br> <br> Today, he has a multiple 7 figure a year coaching and training business and helps network marketers get more leads, recruit more reps and become top earners.<br> <br> Favorite Quote<br> <br> “Pain pushes you until a Vision pulls you” by Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith<br> <br> Must Read Book<br> <br> The War of Art by Steve Pressfield<br> <br> BUTTON free ebook<br> <br> Recommended Online App<br> <br> Camera on his phone<br> <br> Recommended Prospecting Tool<br> <br> Online videos<br> <br> Contact Info<br> <br> www.rayhigdon.com<br> <br> Ray Higdon on Facebook<br> <br> What Did You Learn?<br> <br> Thanks for joining me on the show.<br> <br> So what did you learn?<br> <br> If you enjoyed this episode please share it on social media and send it to someone that needs extra motivation in their MLM business.<br> <br> Do you have any thoughts or comments?<br> <br> Please take 60 seconds to leave an HONEST review for the MLM Nation Podcast on iTunes.<br> <br> Ratings and reviews are extremely important for me to make this show better.<br> <br> Finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes so that you get updates and new episodes downloaded to your phone automatically.<br> <br> Click Here to Subscribe via iTunes<br> <br> Click Here to Subscribe via Stitcher<br> <br> Click Here to Subscribe via RSS (non-iTunes feed)<br> <br>