080: The Simple Shift In Thought That Can Change Everything by Craig Schulze

MLM NATION: Network Marketing Training | Prospecting | Lead Generation | Leadership | Duplication | Motivation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/080<br> <br> Who is Craig Schulze?<br> <br> Craig Schulze always had the entrepreneur spirit so he wasn’t happy nor fulfilled when he was working as an engineer in the corporate world. He just didn’t like the 9 to 5 employee lifestyle.<br> <br> Craig gave up his job to pursue his own business and before you know it, not only did he have 1 successful gym, but he expanded to 5 gyms and franchised the business.<br> <br> However, like most entrepreneurs who are always working to learn and achieve more, Craig started to become interested in the growing trend and popularity of home businesses. He looked at many online businesses until he discovered the power of network marketing.<br> <br> Craig soon started to earn a low six figure income part time while still operating his gyms… and then went full time in MLM and helped his company launch in the Australian market.<br> <br> In just 4 years, Craig has reached the highest ranks and is one of the top income earners in his company. His organization has over 60,000 distributors in over 60 countries.