121: How To Train New Leaders And Duplicate The Process by Sarah Falk

MLM NATION: Network Marketing Training | Prospecting | Lead Generation | Leadership | Duplication | Motivation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/121 <br> <br> Who is Sarah Falk?<br> <br> Sarah Falk graduated from Baylor University with a bachelors in bioinformatics. However after having kids, she ended up being a stay at home mom who was always looking for part time work and that’s when she discovered network marketing in April 2012.<br> <br> Sarah started slowly but in June 2013, after reading the Four Year Career by Richard Bliss Brooke, she started to take the business seriously. Within a short time her business took off and in a little over 2 years, her team has grown to over 13,700 people and she was able to retire her husband.<br> <br> Sarah has 3 kids, ages 8, 5 and 2. She’s also active in church missions and loves working with animals. She rides and show horses and is currently busy training a new Australian Shepherd puppy.