139: How Your Story Bank Can Fill Your Financial Bank by Tony & Sarah Zolecki

MLM NATION: Network Marketing Training | Prospecting | Lead Generation | Leadership | Duplication | Motivation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/139<br> <br> Who is Tony &amp; Sarah Zolecki?<br> <br> Tony Zolecki is a multi-million dollar earner with over 20 years of experience in the network marketing profession. He started out with a traditional career working on Wall Street before moving into a high level position in the auto industry. All was going well until he discovered MLM and realized there was a lot more to life than a 9-5 job. He jumped in with passion, and his life has never been the same.<br> <br> In 2005 while attending a company event, he met the love of his life – Sarah (and the rest is history!) Over the last ten years they've been working together, not only as husband and wife, but also as business partners.<br> <br> Sarah was working long hours in the corporate world when she discovered network marketing in her early 20s. Since then she has been a top leader and helped build a global team in over 20 countries. She’s won numerous awards including Distributor of the Year, Driver of the Year two times and won the company’s top Leadership Award out of 300,000 distributors.<br> <br> Tony and Sarah believe the secret to building a successful business is using third party tools, being product focused, following a duplicable system, and always grooming the next generation of leadership.<br> <br> They live in Minneapolis, MN with their 2 beautiful kids Hudson and Ava.<br> <br>