165: The Four Key Pillars To Impact Any One’s Beliefs by Mark Sterling

MLM NATION: Network Marketing Training | Prospecting | Lead Generation | Leadership | Duplication | Motivation show

Summary: To visit show notes page and resources, go to: www.MLMNation.net/165<br> <br> Who is Mark Sterling?<br> <br> Before Mark Sterling discovered network marketing, he was an IT consultant that provided services for Fortune 500, Government and International clients.<br> <br> Today, he has over 14 years of MLM experience and is the top earner at his company.<br> <br> Throughout the years, Mark has been mentored by the industry’s top leaders and he has turned that experience to help many team members earn 6 figure incomes.<br> <br> He has grown organizations in dozens of countries and trained on multiple continents.<br> <br> Mark’s immediate goal is to assist 100 families in creating six figure residual incomes. He strongly believes that through FAITH, hard work and persistence, ALL things are possible.