Ep. 34: Travel with Kids, part 1

The Simple Show show

Summary: The next four episodes, starting with this one, will be an extended conversation on extended travel with kids. My friend Stephanie Langford and I have both taken round-the-world trips with our clan when they were (are) young ages, and our family's paths even crossed for six weeks last spring in southern Europe. We'll hash out stuff like what we packed, how we decided where to go, how we handled worldschooling, and yep, the things that were miserable. We talk about how we handled our own work on the go, the things that made us stronger as families, and ultimately, why we're both itching to do another big trip before our oldest children leave the nest. This first episode is an intro to the idea, where we answer the question we both get frequently: Why travel in such a big way while the kids are so little? Head here for the show notes! Also, big thanks to this episode's sponsor, Around the World Stories. They create original audio stories about the adventures of children from other cultures, providing fun, memorable and culturally authentic stories that help develop a child's interest in the broader world. We love 'em!