Why You Should Rest More to Be Productive & The Myths That Kill Relationships

Something You Should Know show

Summary: You can rest when you’re dead! When it comes to the American worth ethic, many people have bought into this idea. But working hard for long hours and not taking time off can actually be counterproductive. Alex Soojung-Kim Pong author of Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less explains the science of resting if you really want to be productive and do good work. He also offers suggestions for those who can’t tear themselves away from working. Also…what is your favorite kind of music? Country? Classical? Pop? Well, your taste in music says some interesting things about your personality – and we will explore that on this episode of the podcast. If you are in or have been in a relationship you know it isn’t all roses and sunshine every single day. But so many relationships could be so much better according to Linda Bloom. She and her husband Charlie are author of the book Happily Ever After. In today’s podcast, Linda will discuss some of the 39 myths people often believe that end up hurting – and sometimes destroying their relationship. This is “must listening” for anyone who really wants their relationship to work. Finally today – how stores manipulate you to spend more money. Retailers use lots of little psychological tricks that keep you in the store longer and make you buy. You’ll discover what these tactics are and you can NOT fall victim to them.