How Your Telomeres Affect Your Health & Kids and Electronics - What Parents Must Know

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Want to appear more attractive? Being attractive isn’t just about physical appearance. How people perceive is determined by a lot of things. In this episode I’ll explain some ways anyone can be seen as more attractive. Also, you need to know about your telomeres. They are part of your chromosomes and how you live your life and how you think can either help lengthen your telomeres or shorten them. And the shorter your telomeres, the more likely you are to succumb to diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn author of The Telomere Effect won the Nobel Prize for her work on Telomeres and she is here to explain this and how to take good care of your telomeres so you live long and healthy. Also kids today are spending an average of 9 hours a day in front of some electronic screen. If they are also spending 8 hours in bed and 6 hours at school there isn’t much time to interact with the real world. And that is causing all kinds of problems. Here to explain the consequences of all this screen time and what to do about it is Tom Kersting who author of the book Disconnected and also host of the A&E TV series, “Surviving Marriage.” If you are a parent, you need to hear this. Finally, if you don’t like the way you look in photos, you need to know about “the Squinch.” Once you master it, every picture you are in will look fabulous.