025 w/ Josh Zepps “Wild Speculation on Tulsa, Terrorism and Denzel” - The Fifth Column

The Fifth Column - Analysis, Commentary, Sedition show

Summary: <p><span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: small;">The triumvirate has much to discuss after a weekend disrupted by terror attacks in several states and yet another high profile police shooting. Media speculation, double standards and misestimation of risk abound. Also... Denzel Washington.</span> </p><br> <div> <span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: small;">Josh Zepps, host of We The People Live </span><span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: small;">stops by to help get things sorted. (http://www.wtplive.com)</span> </div>