Katrina Trinko Says Papal Authority Extends to Orthodoxy Not Political-Economy

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: On a special edition of the Federalist Radio Hour, David Harsanyi guest hosts for Ben. Katrina Trinko joins the senior editor of the Federalist on air for a discussion of papal authority and gay marriage. Managing editor of the Daily Signal and a practicing Catholic, Trinko responds to Pope Francis recent characterization of unbridled capitalism as the dung of the devil. She argues that while the Holy Father is Vicar of Christ, his authority extends to theology and morality, not political-economy. Elsewhere in the program, Trinko and David examine the contemporary impetus for supporting gay marriage. While Trinko disagrees with the institution of same-sex marriage, she admires the moral energy of those who initially supported the movement. Toward the end of the hour, Tom Nichols explains the narcism driving societys lost boys.