Why Did Republicans Waste A Perfect Opportunity to Reform the Highway Trust Fund?

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: If Republican legislators simply ran out the clock, they couldve shrunk the High Way Trust fund and restored a decentralized approach to transportation funding. Thats according to Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, who joined Ben on todays episode of the Federalist Radio Hour. Instead, he says politicians opted to send money to Washington in leaky buckets, before sending it back to the states in more leaky buckets. Later in the program, author and blogger, Lenore Skenazy, discusses the Free-Range Kids Movement. Like most parents, she remembers the days when kids came back from school to play outside before coming home. Now the author chronicles cases of Police and Child Protective Services overreach. She says that liberals today tend to overestimate dangers and underestimate families and children.