Mark Krikorian On Limiting Legal And Illegal Immigration

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: More than theatrics, Donald Trumps first policy paper on immigration actually furthers the discussion of the issue according to Mark Krikorian. The Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies believes that Trump has elevated the immigration debate by barring other presidential hopefuls from offering vague platitudes in place of policy solutions. From opposed perspectives, Ben and Kirkorian discuss the challenges of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. Krikorian rejects a market-based solution arguing that immigration, unlike global trade, ultimately imports people rather than exporting products. The scholar further concludes that mass immigration is incompatible with modern society, and promotes instead what he calls, a unified theory of immigration. Together the two offer a comprehensive first preview of an issue that will continue to drive debate and produce headlines during the 2016 contest for the White House.