Hugh Hewitt, Neil Greenberg, and Joy Pullmann Join Federalist Radio

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: After partnering with CNN to moderate the second GOP debate, radio show host and media provocateur, Hugh Hewitt, debriefs with Ben. Known as one of the most aggressive interviews in radio, he offers some poignant advice for future debate moderators this election cycle. “Develop a reputation for being tough on everybody so you can honestly say that you have no favorites.” Hewitt goes on to reject the idea that he “was muzzled by CNN” and says instead that the debate not only “went according to plan,” but resulted in “most substantive discussion of foreign policy that I’ve heard for three decades on a debate stage.” Later, Neil Greenberg of the Washington Post gives a play-by-play of NFL Week 2 and Joy Pullman of the Federalist gives Pope Francis some political advice.