Shane Harris, McKay Coppins, and John Siciliano On American Intelligence, Scott Walker, and Pope Francis

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: The US Military has been pressuring analysts to cook the intel books in an effort to paint a more positive picture of American offensive action against ISIS reports Shane Harris. The Senior National Security Correspondent for the Daily Beast joins Federalist Radio to share his exclusive findings. Harris tells Ben that over 50 intelligence pros have filed formal complaints with US Central Command against their supervisors. They say that higher ups have been “deleting key passages and pressuring analysts to say attacks are going well.” As a result, only “the mostly positive reports get passed along” and US intelligence suffers. Later Senior Politics writer for Buzzfeed, McKay Coppins, reports on campaign dropout, Governor Scott Walker. And John Siciliano of the Washington Examiner explains how politics, faith, and climate change intersect during Pope Francis’ American visit.