Why is McDonald’s changing its menu and will it work?

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: Since changing their menu, adding breakfast all day and fighting the fast-casual restaurant industry, McDonald’s has been made the news with ups and downs lately. Today on the Federalist Radio Hour, we discuss the future fast food franchise’s food and labor. David Freedman is a contributing editor at the Atlantic and writes on all things health, medicine and obesity. Freedman said that regulating consumer’s health through regulation isn’t going to happen because America doesn’t like regulation and it’s not what people want. “I think we should stop wasting time calling for more and more regulation and I think instead, let’s get everybody making smarter choices,” Freedman said. “Let’s help people to make the small changes that can actually make a big difference.” Besides fighting the health-crazed inspired regulations, McDonald’s is also fighting off labor groups who want labor unions for the fast food industry. Spokesperson for the International Franchise Association, Matt Haller, explains how even though franchising is a classic American success story, it’s own model is causing franchisors problems, specifically with recent action taken by the National Labor Board. “The business model is becoming a bit of it’s own success and it’s being exploited by some special interests and some policy making in Washington that’s really becoming a challenge for the individual franchisees to navigate,” Haller said. Domenech echoed that franchises feel American in the standardization that they provide. There is a larger cultural issue that lies underneath all the health regulations and it shouldn’t be layed at the foot of one organization. “The thing that I think we ought to guard against is that is something to apologize for. It’s not like McDonald’s naturally making people obese. It is a decision on their own part to become obese and to eat the things they shouldn’t,” he said.