National Security Disasters and the Latest Clinton Email Dump

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: Today on the Federalist Radio Hour, John Schindler, national security columnist at the Observer, security consultant, and former NSA analyst, talked on the most recent news from the State Department regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails and discussed other national security threats around the world. Schindler said the emails have turned out to be even worse than he expected. “Team Hillary has been pushing back on this--on what was marked and what wasn’t and these words games they specialize in,” he said. “Twenty-two (emails) were judged to be ‘Top Secret’ entirely, now pushing 30 based on the latest indications and there are some real bombshells in what has not been released.” Later in the hour Schindler explains some of the situations unfolding in the Middle East and Russia and how a future president is going to have to address them in the next year. “Whoever becomes President on the 20th of January of next year is going to face a wicked problem in Syria and the surrounding states due to the catastrophe that has befallen Syria since 2011,” he said. “There are no good options here, after what President Obama has overseen.”